About us

While hustling through life and adding more and more layers of knowledge, skill, and trends, we often fall short of appreciating the magic we all possess, sometimes completely unaware of it. We often tend to ignore the fact – how original of a creation we all are ranging from our uniquely identified voice to the signature style cup of coffee each of us brews. We all are equally novel in our unique way. When we try to be like ‘that inspirational someone’ or follow a group that seems to be ‘achieving the best’ in life, we often end up being unsatisfied and get lost in the process, while we still envy who we were.

This resonates in a way similar to the nourishment that nature had planned for us, which we somehow ended up spoiling in the pursuit of making them tastier, juicier, and brand new while it was already perfect the way it was.

At Kapha, we try our best to retain that originality in our products and follow a strict NO adulteration policy. We deliver the true nourishment that nature had planned for us and rejoice in purity rather than the consistent texture or flavoured taste formulated and mass-produced in a factory.

Kapha celebrates the as it is form of all-natural produce, just like we cherish the true self in each one of us – because the best form of creation often lies in its authentic form. Original and with a style of its own #Kapha

About Us

Kapha (pronounced as ‘kuffa’) reintroducing the original and greatest artist of all time – Nature!

Hey! It all started as a thought initially incubated at Bengaluru, when one afternoon Vedanta and Dhanush drifted slightly off topic while discussing the philosophy of life and an ad. creative that was due in next 2 hours (yup! they always are).

While hustling through life and constantly adding more and more layers of knowledge, skill and trend, we often fail to appreciate the magic we all posses, and in some cases not know about it at all. How original of a creation we all are, ranging from our uniquely identified voices to the signature marked cup of coffee we make. All of us are original in our own unique way. Even when we try to be like someone or follow a group, we stand out carving a new character that is still as unique. So we believe in celebrating the original and ‘as it is’ pure form not just in each one of us but in all the creations of nature.

Kapha stands like that smeared photograph from 90s in your family album that halts the time for a while whenever you come across it and takes us back to the Basic, Original and Pure You with a Statement of Your Own.

#Kapha – Original, Pure & with a Statement of its Own